
Harvest Time

The Laudato Si Garden, carefully tended to by Father Tass and a team of trainees, abundantly supplies the dining tables of 60 students at Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban. Its existence is deeply rooted in the center’s sustainability plan, serving as a living example of environmentally-friendly practices and fostering a profound appreciation for nature and ecological responsibility among the students.



Fr. Brian Butanas received the UTPRAS Certificate in Driving NC II from PD/ARD Floro T. Ringca.

Congratulations to the staff of Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban for achieving UTPRAS Registration in Driving NC II. It’s worth noting that Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban is also an Accredited Assessment Center for Driving NC II.

This accomplishment shows Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban’s commitment to Pope Francis’ challenge of reaching out to the peripheries to assist the lost, the least, and the last.


GME Partnership

In line with Don Bosco One TVET Philippines’ objective of fostering national and international partnerships, we express our gratitude to Mr. Ben Dommett of Global Marine Engineering (GME) Services in the UK for generously donating 10 laptop units to our training center. These laptops will greatly contribute to the preparation of globally competent workers.

We also acknowledge Engr. Aldin Cabañero of JSA Engineering, the Country Technical Manager of GME, and Miss Jean Sasing, Staff of Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban and focal person for the GME – IELTS Program. Their collaboration has led to a successful partnership between GME – Global Maritime Engineering Services and Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban.

Through this partnership, our center serves as a venue for Skills Trade Testing, IELTS (Diagnostics, Review, and Mock Tests), and Certification programs, enabling local skilled workers to access services that enhance their global competence and increase their international opportunities.

We sincerely appreciate GME’s support and dedication to our mission of empowering students with the necessary skills and knowledge for success in the global workforce. Their commitment significantly contributes to our shared goal of preparing individuals who can thrive in an interconnected world.


Another Project at SLSDB

Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban Inc. has returned to St. Louis School of Don Bosco to undertake a Roof Deck Project. The project involves constructing a metal staircase and roofing frame above the AVR. The purpose of this roof deck is to serve as the Music Room for the Marching Band of SLSDB. The projected timeframe for completion is 3-4 weeks. This initiative is part of the Supervised Industry Learning program for Batch 50, with Mr. William Lima serving as the project supervisor.


HBD Mme May Jean

On this special day, as we celebrate Mme May Jean’s birthday, we wholeheartedly express our gratitude for the gift of this day and fervently pray for many more years of good health and abundant blessings from God. May His divine blessings fill your life with hope, and may you continue to be surrounded by the love and support of your dear ones.

We, your Don Bosco Balamban Family, send our warmest greetings and well-wishes on this joyous occasion. May this day be a reflection of the immense love and appreciation we have for you. Happy birthday!



ATM: Orientation of SUGBO KAHANAS Program at Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban. This scholarship was facilitated by Board Member Ricardo Pepito and the Philippine Councillors League.

Qualification criteria for beneficiaries include being a Filipino citizen, a resident of any location within Cebu Province, and a minimum age of 15 years old, as specified by the SUGBO KAHANAS program.

The scholarship offers the following benefits: free training costs, waived assessment fees, accident insurance coverage, a training support allowance of PHP 160.00 per day for 8 hours, a monthly internet allowance of PHP 500.00, a health/PPE allowance of PHP 500.00, entrepreneurship fee coverage, and starter toolkits.

Congratulations to all eligible scholars, and make the most of your studies!


Driving NC II – UTPRAS

Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban Inc., guided by St. John Bosco’s mission to uplift the lives of the marginalized youth, recently underwent an UTPRAS Driving NC II inspection by TESDA.

We are proud to share that the center is also an accredited Assessment Center for Driving NC II, enabling us to be able provide comprehensive training and assessment opportunities that empower underprivileged youth towards economic independence and personal growth. Through our recognized programs, we aim to break the cycle of poverty and offer a brighter future for these young individuals and their families.



Fr. Brian and his team recently visited three National High Schools, namely P. Zamora NHS, Guinhulngan NHS and Vallehermoso NHS, to implement the Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP). This initiative is aligned with the call of the Holy Father Pope Francis in “Fratelli Tutti,” which urges people to reach out to the peripheries and extend help to the poor, the marginalized, and the lost.



Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban Inc. has recently been re-issued their UTPRAS certificate by TESDA for their outstanding training programs in Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) NCII and Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) NCII. This registration serves as a recognition of the institution’s commitment to providing high-quality technical education and skills training to their students.


AutoCad Volunteer

Lessons on AUTOCAD with Volunteer Engr. Marc Dolendo. The computers are part of BDO TVET Building Project sponsored by the BDO Employees. A million thanks…