

Fr. Brian and the Don Bosco TVET Center Balamban participated in BOSTEC X, held at Cordova Village Home and Resort from June 24-27. On the first afternoon, Fr. Paul Dungca discussed the role of artificial intelligence in TVET education.

The second day featured a presentation by Fr. Any Mendoza on the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales.

On the third day, participants split into groups, with Fr. Rex leading the SICATS session for instructors and Mr. Robert conducting a marketing workshop for non-teaching staff. In the evening, Don Bosco Balamban organized a cultural program and parlor games.

On the fourth day, Don Bosco Mati facilitated an Amazing Race, dividing participants into color groups. In the afternoon, the Don Bosco One TVET Philippines Regional Office distributed achievement and loyalty awards, along with certificates of attendance. BOSTEC X concluded with group pictures for each TVET center, followed by a final group photo of all participants.